Friday, August 31, 2012

A Month Later...

It's crazy to believe that I have been back in the country for a month now. Occasionally I find myself looking through pictures from this summer and just thinking about how God worked. Yesterday I was reminded of the importance of moments in a quote that I came across. It says, "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." There are so many of those "moments" this summer that I didn't necessarily see the true value in until now...when it's just a memory. The precious faces that greeted me each morning, the giggles I heard from the kids taking cold baths, the singing, the prayers, the worship, and yes, even the roosters that woke me up each morning at 5am. I am grateful for those moments now.

God is continuing to grow me now that I'm back home. He used this summer to teach me new things about who He is and who I am. He used the precious people of the Philippines to show me how incredible He is. I learned to completely rely on His strength. I saw the need in the world. I realized how strong my passion for children is and how passionate I am about adoption. I want so badly for the passion for adoption to spread so that children are no longer without moms and dads. It completely breaks my heart to see a child without a parent's love. I'm blessed to have had the opportunity to love on the children I got to love on this summer and last summer.

So for those of you who are reading this blog, this is my challenge to you:
Embrace every opportunity and moment you have. Truly love people. Most importantly, share Christ with them. Pray for the abandoned and broken. Pray for adoption. Pray that others adopt and pray that God will show you if it's His plan for you to adopt. We must act on their behalf.

Thank you to everyone who helped me go this summer and last.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for me before I left and while I was there.
Thank you to everyone who supported me and who welcomed me home.
I love you all.